Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Goblins Come to Life!

Alright, so I went and picked up my goblins (at least the beginning of them).  Looks like this is gonna be a pain in the ass, cuz I want units of 24, and the packs come with 20.  So I'm doing conversions and whatnot to make them as efficient as possible.  

I've been writing fluff for them, and basically here it is:
The name of my goblin army is....  
Osama bin Goblin and the Unholy Jihad
Osama bin Goblin is going to be a Lord that I'm going to either make from a template or out of a Goblin warboss.  
It's going to consist of three full command units of 24 night goblins.  One will contain the general, the others will each contain a shaman.
I'm going to have 2 units of 20 Archers (with 1 fanatic each).
Also I will have a couple units of 20 "throw away goblins" each containing 3 fanatics.
I might paint up some spider rider cavalry... still pondering.
In addition to that, I'm going to have 2 Spear Chukkas
Finally, once I reach the higher points (2250 is usually my highest point army)... I would like to incorporate a doom diver.

Obviously this army isn't the winningest Orcs and Goblins build, but as I said, it is for fun.  It will adhere to the theme of Unholy Jihad with all of the fanatics running amok, killing enemies, themselves, and their friends.

So, there ya go.  I'll start adding pics later.  But this is what is complete so far:
  • Goblin Boss
  • 1 Shaman
  • 20 archers
  • 3 fanatics
  • about 30 Night Goblins (the unit with the boss will have spears, and his whole unit is complete)

Til next time, feel free to comment on my army build.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Quick Update!

Alright, so I've decided to put the Ottoman Empire on a hiatus until the new Lizardmen book comes out.  I don't want to play an outdated army... especially since one of my most important magic items (Jaguar Charm) is being taken away, and one of my favorite units (Salamander Hunting Pack) is being changed up, and so many things are being added.  I don't wanna put any more time and money into it until I know I can play a tourney legal army, seeing as how this is my competitive army.

So until February 9th, 2009... I will be finishing up my goblin army.  I'm gonna go pick up some supplies, maybe later today or tomorrow.  

Basically what I'm going for is outnumbering and annoying my opponent.  I'm going to intentionally have too many fanatics on the board, creating a sort of randomness that no opponent could have accounted for.  It could kill them, it could kill me.  Like I said before:  It's for fun.  I'm going to have a lot of shooting, a little bit of Little WAAGH! and a bunch of goblins escorting fanatics.

I leave you with a picture of what I have for the Goblin army so far.  It's basically what came with Skull Pass plus I bought fanatics.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Yeah so I just spent like, almost an hour writing a really cool intro blog, and it got fxcking deleted because apparently all images need to be on the top, or some stupid crap.

Long story short now:
  • I'm Charlie
  • This blog is Warhammer Fantasy Battle
  • My first army (ogre kingdom) retired with a 50/50 record cuz my cousin (who made fun of ogres when I told him about my army >:( ) made an Ogre Kingdom army.
  • I play Lizardmen competitively and Goblins casually.
  • Lizards are Ottoman Empire, named after my gecko, Otto, who is also the namesake of my general (Slann Mage Priest). 
  • Goblins are going to have ZERO orcs. All goblins. Totally for fun.

Don't have army lists for either yet, and I haven't played yet. Looking forward to some challenges.

And finally... here's Otto (real and fantasy):