Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fallen Kingdoms to New Empires

Well, I lost the tournament with Ogre Kingdoms. Got the "Smokin' Gun" award. Used it to buy a Stegadon :)

I've got a tentative list for the Ottoman Empire. I'm going magic HEAVY. Check it out:
Slann Mage-Priest…
* Diadem of Power…
* Plaque of Protection…
* One Discipline of the Ancients…
(Focused Rumination) 330pts.

Skink Priest…
* lvl. 2…
* Engine of the Gods…
* Plaque of Tepok…
* Amulet of Itzl…
Skink Priest...
* lvl. 2…
* Engine of the Gods…
* Rod of the Storm…
* Bane Head…
Skink Priest…
* lvl. 2…
* Cube of Darkness…

Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
X 16
+ 2 Kroxigors

Cold One Cavalry
X 5…
Full Cmd…
Totem of Prophecy…
Temple Guard
X 16 256pts.

Total: 2248pts

Basically what I'm hoping to accomplish is little to no combat, a lot of casting spells, lots of ending opponents' magic (if they use it),and lots of dinosaurs.

Any comments, or people willing to help me play test, I'm open!

Here's a picture of my Slann Mage-Priest (otto is going to be a mascot, because i don't want him to get worn), in a unit of Saurus Warriors (still need my temple guard)...


  1. Join the escalation League, same people who were in the past tourney, 2 weeks @ 1k, 2 weeks @ 1250, 2 weeks @ 1650, & 1 week of 2250

    I'm putting together some High Elf list, looks like it would be good cause I only do anti magic haha. Call me to get a game in (I'll use Dwarfs until I get my HE in a respectable point level).

  2. its called smokin' boots n word charles. you and your popeyes fried chick write about your games
