Saturday, March 28, 2009

Still on the Rise

Alright, so I just finished assembling and painting a Giant for my Goblins and the new Engine of the Gods for the Ottoman Empire. No pics, I just realized the battery on my camera died. Basically here's what the Osama bin Goblin Army consists of (no points calculated, just the gist):

Skarsnik and Gobbla

Big Boss

A LOT of night goblins, units of 24, with a character filling the 25th spot. One unit of 49, with the Big Boss in it. One unit of 20 archers.
One unit of Forest Goblin Spider Riders.

A bunch of Spear Chukkas, I'm thinking 4.

2 giants.

And so far, I have 9 fanatics. I think that may be enough, but I need to play test it. As always I am accepting challenges. And as always, I probably won't get any.

Friday, February 27, 2009

The Empire Rises

Well, with the help of my lovely girlfriend, I have put together my entire Lizardmen army. I need to paint my cavalry, Temple Guard champion, and of course my engine of the gods. Other than that, I have this painted:
Slann Mage-Priest… 275
* Diadem of Power… 25
* Plaque of Protection… 30
* One Discipline of the Ancients… free
(Focused Rumination) 330pts.

Skink Priest… 65
* lvl. 2… 35
* Engine of the Gods… 290
* Plaque of Tepok… 15
* Amulet of Itzl… 30
Skink Priest... 65
* lvl. 2… 35
* Engine of the Gods… 290
* Rod of the Storm… 25
* Bane Head… 15
Skink Priest… 65
* lvl. 2… 35
* Cube of Darkness… 40

Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
X 16 80
+ 2 Kroxigors 110

Cold One Cavalry
X 5… 175
Full Cmd… 50
Totem of Prophecy… 50.
Temple Guard
X 16 256pts.

Total: 2248pts

I'm very excited to finish off these guys and play them in their complete form. Any challenges? >:)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Pewter Blister Packs

Ok, so can someone tell me why they make 20-piece pewter pieces with no instructions, yet my freaking SKINKS came with instructions. If I put one thing on, I can't put a head on. I put the head on, I cant put the arms on. How is this supposed to be assembled? Using 4 hands simultaneously?

I HATE assembling. that is the worst part of this hobby for me. I like to paint and play, that's it. Assembling is just a taste of how freaking CHEAP a company can be. It comes in 20 pieces to give you a false sense of customization. It comes with 2 hands, and 2 feet. How is that customization? I understand there are people that enjoy this aspect of the game, fine. But I don't think it's necessary to have a friggin 20 piece saurus hero. I would pay an extra $10 to have these come assembled in a box.

Oh yeah, that's right... I DID pay an extra $10 for it to come assembled. And it's STILL in 10 pieces because none of the pieces fit and when you leave them sitting on a table, they start crumbling down.

OOOOOOOOH, RIIIIGHT! Games workshop also sells equipment to bolt things together. So why should pieces fit? You should go out and buy their freaking bolt kit.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Fallen Kingdoms to New Empires

Well, I lost the tournament with Ogre Kingdoms. Got the "Smokin' Gun" award. Used it to buy a Stegadon :)

I've got a tentative list for the Ottoman Empire. I'm going magic HEAVY. Check it out:
Slann Mage-Priest…
* Diadem of Power…
* Plaque of Protection…
* One Discipline of the Ancients…
(Focused Rumination) 330pts.

Skink Priest…
* lvl. 2…
* Engine of the Gods…
* Plaque of Tepok…
* Amulet of Itzl…
Skink Priest...
* lvl. 2…
* Engine of the Gods…
* Rod of the Storm…
* Bane Head…
Skink Priest…
* lvl. 2…
* Cube of Darkness…

Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
Skink Skirmishers
x 12
+ Blowpipes 96pts.
X 16
+ 2 Kroxigors

Cold One Cavalry
X 5…
Full Cmd…
Totem of Prophecy…
Temple Guard
X 16 256pts.

Total: 2248pts

Basically what I'm hoping to accomplish is little to no combat, a lot of casting spells, lots of ending opponents' magic (if they use it),and lots of dinosaurs.

Any comments, or people willing to help me play test, I'm open!

Here's a picture of my Slann Mage-Priest (otto is going to be a mascot, because i don't want him to get worn), in a unit of Saurus Warriors (still need my temple guard)...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hur, hur, hur!

+ Tenderizer
+ Wyrdstone Neclace
+ Gut Maw
+ Heavy Armor
+ Brace of Handguns
+ Luck Gnoblar
+ Skullmantle
+ Dispel Scroll
+ Bangstick
+ Luck Gnoblar
+ Dispel Scroll

3 Bulls
+ Bellower
3 Bulls
+ Bellower
3 Ironguts
+ Bellower
+ Standerd
3 Ironguts
+ Bellower
3 Ironguts
+ Bellower
20 Gnoblar Fighter
20 Gnoblar Fighter
10 Trappers

2 Leadbealchers
+ Bellower
2 Leadbealchers



Sunday, January 25, 2009

Been a while!

Don't mind me, everyone. I know it's been a while. I need to paint 3 more Ironguts, and my Ogre army is ready for the tournament next week!

I promise to have pics asap.

If not, I'll definitely have tourney results.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Tournament?

Well, as I've stated, there's a tournament in less than a month. I'm going with or without an army. I wanna see what the competitive environment is like.

The tournament is 2250, so far my armies are:
Ogres (up to and including 3750 points)
Lizards (up to and including 2000 points)
and Goblins (about 750 points lol)

I promised myself I'd take time on the lizards and never do a rush job, so I think they're going to sit this one out.

Goblins... even on my best days, I don't think I can get 1500 worth of goblins painted in less than a month.

Ogres are ready, but aren't very competitive. I'm bidding on more Ironguts right now, so they COULD become more competitive. Reduce my Bulls to a minimal unit (they're required) and just mix bull models in ironguts units, and call em ironguts. That's my plan. Also, I'm buying a box of Leadbelchers for ONE leadbelcher, so I'll just convert the rest into even MORE ironguts. Thankfully all ogres use the same exact body, and all boxes come with more than enough arms and heads. :)

I think I'm gonna do that, paint up some more ogres for the tourney and take my time on Lizards, as planned, and work on goblins as well... after the tournament.

Here's the list I think I'm bringing:

Wyrdstone Necklace, Tenderizer, Heavy Armor, Luck Gnoblar

Siegebreaker, Skullmantle

Bangstick, Power Stone

Dispel Scroll x 2

Bulls x 3

Ironguts x 4

Ironguts x 4

Ironguts x 4

Ironguts x 4

Gnoblar Trappers x 8

Gnoblar Fighters x 24

Leadbelchers x 3

Leadbelchers x 3




Total Points = 2494

I just noticed that i made a 2500 army for a 2250 tournament. D'oh!
What I decided to do to fix that is cut IG units down to 3, since one down causes panic anyway... Probably drop the Bellowers. Cut the LB down to 3 units of 2 with no Bellowers, and perhaps drop the Scrap Launcher.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Comes

I just got back from Games Workshop, and I got a chance to read the new Lizzie Codex.  Now I know what direction I'm taking the Lizards.  A few alterations, but mostly the same.  Slann Generations are gone, now.  Also, the Jaguar Charm is gone, so no more Nike-Saurus.  

There's a tournament in February... I might try and speed paint some more goblins, or might just take the old style Lizards.  

And now here's some Lizards for you:

Here's some skinks, along with a Chameleon:

Here are my two skink priests (L to R: Lemmy and Tupac):

One of my Kroxigors:

And Ottoman, Himself:

So, there ya go. Tupac was converted from a warchief using green stuff, I have 4 Kroxigors, one of which I painted as an albino.

The Chameleon is decorated with some stuff I got from petland discounts for $4, while GW sells the same shit for $50.

Til next time!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goblins reproduce like bacteria!

I got another unit set up and ready to be painted. Also got 2 spear chukkas. I made a custom stand for the chukkas because I don't like the idea of holding them by their extremities and letting them fall apart. I'll have pics when they're painted cuz right now pics just look like black rectangles. They're based, and that's it. For now... here's my lvl 2 Shaman.